Full course description
After taking this flipped learning course you will:
- Understand the definition of flipped and distance learning and the unique learning opportunities this blended model of teaching unlocks
- Get support and resources to create distance learning opportunities for your students
- Learn to use Adobe Spark and other Adobe tools to support learning opportunities for students in your flipped or online classroom
- Experience examples of Adobe Education Leaders using creativity and Adobe products in their classrooms
- Apply your knowledge to create your own Adobe Spark learning video that meets the unique needs of your students, class, and context
The learning content in this free flipped learning course will take approximately one hour and the assignment will take approximately two hours. After completing the course you will be credited with three hours of professional learning (completion of the assignment is required to earn your 3 MIPs.)
After you complete the Adobe Education Exchange course and assignment, you will upload the completion evidence into the Canvas course. You will then receive a digital badge and a certificate for 3 hours of accredited professional learning.